Dentistry special to your children. We approach with sensitivity and love, knowing what children really feel and need. We recommend dentistry without pain, vibration, treble, and fearlessness without the need for general anesthesia.

Fearless Dentistry

By protecting the healthy tissue with laser and want, we only selectively painless or rot the unhealthy part. We provide our children with a healthy smile without harming with the technology of the future, not today.


Laser – Bio Dentistry in children

Bio-laser systems used in Pedodontics eliminate the need for anesthesia in hard and soft tissues as well as the noise created by rotating instruments in children, the fear factor since there is no vibration felt in the tissues and the formation of tissue in the mechanism of action. In the cleaning of dental caries, it protects the tooth structure by being fleshy only in the caries tissue. Vital pulp treatment reduces the need to use a pharmacological product in the treatment, as it stretches the area and stimulates cell polyphysis and decreases the infection. It also significantly reduces the use of antibiotics or painkillers with low-level laser applications that accelerate the healing of tissues, increase new tissue formation, prevent swelling and pain formation after treatment. We should not forget that no matter how advanced the technology is, there is no pharmacological agent compatible with the tissue. Laser types used in soft tissue do not create a mutogenic and carcinogenic effect in the tissue since they are not ionized. 

Laser in Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric laser dentistry is a promising field in modern minimally invasive dentistry, and it can be “child friendly” approach.

Dental lasers offer many advantages like avoiding needles and high-speed hand pieces, which makes less traumatic experience and improves behavioral management of the child. Recent advances in laser technology and research have set the stage of revolution in pediatric dental practice to provide optimal, preventive, interceptive and restorative dental care in a stress free environment.

Lasers can be successfully and safely used on a wide range of the dental treatments. such as children and pregnant women, unlike some prescribed and/or sulcularly delivered drugs. Unlike with those medications, the patient will not experience allergic reactions, bacterial resistance, or untoward side effects when the laser is used.

Computerized local anesthesia (The Wand)

Anesthetic injection is the daily routine of every dental clinic. Patients already know that treatment under local anesthesia is painless. However, multiple surveys worldwide show, that the majority of patients (especially children) are afraid of injection itself and feels discomfort during it.

The new technique which Prevents the development of phobia in children, as they do not experience pain or discomfort during their first dental treatments

While traditional syringe techniques use high pressure injection that results in pain, discomfort, and tissue damage, The Wand utilizes an electro-mechanical motor regulated by a central processor unit (CPU) and a pressure transducer, resulting in the patient having no collateral numbness and no pain, along with instant, predictable anesthesia.

Dental filling

Children tend to be more prone to cavities than adults. Untreated, cavities only continue to grow, destroying the affected tooth, and can lead to serious infections. But most of the chıldren fear the voıce and   the vibration  of the rotary tools used by dentısts. With the dental laser, the vibration and touch feeling that occurs while cleaning tooth decay is eliminated. When the caries ıs removed  the tooth structure is protected with laser and the laser disinfected tooth surface is covered with a tissue-friendly material. 

Pediatric Dental Chair

Children should meet the dentist by age 1 without any dental problems. In an entertaining game environment, dental control should be performed and the family should be given the necessary oral hygiene training. In this way, it can be ensured that children come to the dentist without fear and have teeth without decay.

Behavior Management And Administration Of Medicines

In order for children to grow and develop psychologically and physically healthy, all dental treatments should be approached as a fun game at the level they can understand. Children dentists with child psychology education must be consulted.With the bio-laser approach, besides 90% comfort and painlessness, biological recovery can be achieved without damaging the healthy tissue. Our biggest goal is to have a healthy mouth and teeth and go to the dentist without fear of life.


Is a prophylactic approach for the molars and the premolars as they have grooves and pits that cannot be cleaned by tooth brushing so In the application of fissure sealant with dental laser, microorganisms placed on the tooth surface are eliminated first and all of these recesses and cavities are covered with a tissue-friendly material.

Fluoride Applications

There is constant demineralization and remineralisation due to oral and dietary habits. Tooth decay happens when there is no balance and tooth decay happens Fluoride application is an in-office technique wherein we help prevent the tooth for decaying. With the application of laser fluorine, it increases the effectiveness of fluorine and makes the tooth more resistant. 

Don’t kids deserve a perfect smile too?

Anterior Restorations – The intrusive luxation or avulsion of the front teeth in children creates psychological impact to both the parents and the child. The majority of fracture or displacements results from sports activities or domestic accidents. With anterior restorations the smile of the patient can be brought back.

Pulp capping

Laser disinfection is provided only with the removal of the caries tissue in the treatment of deep caries seen in permanent six-year old teeth that have not completed the root development. In this way, the living part of the tooth (pulp) can be prevented from affecting microbes. Root development can be completed physiologically by activating the biological power of tissue without using a chemical agent.

Root Canal Treatments In Kids

Endodontic treatments are necessary when the nerve of the tooth are affected by decay or some sort of damage. The pulp houses the nerve, blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients for the tooth to stay healthy. Endodontic treatment is performed essentially to save the tooth.  A more effective canal treatment can be done in a shorter period of time by using a laser at kids 


Bruxism, known as clenching, affects children as well as adults today. Night growths or splints used in the treatment of adult patients cannot be used as the growth of the chin and face continues in children. With the biomodilation feature of the laser in children, it can be provided to relieve the jaw muscles and reduce the pain with the biological effects that occur only in the tissue without giving any medical product from the outside. With a few minutes of painless applications applied consecutively, children can return to their normal lives in a short time.


The name given to the tiny soft mucosa that connects the tongue and lip to the oral mucosa is frennum. Although it is a normal physiological bond, it can cause problems in some cases when it is thick and short. Especially, the fact that newborn babies have short tongue bonds can prevent their language from coming to the proper position and feeding them. Infants who cannot perform proper sucking activity can experience severe gas pain because they will swallow unnecessary air. With advanced ages, it can affect the development of the head and neck bones and muscles. Results ranging from postural disorder are observed. Short and thick lip ligaments can cause aesthetic problems such as openness between the front teeth.
With a small anesthetic, even in infancy, tongue ligaments can be removed without pain and bleeding. Afterwards, you can return to a healthy daily life without any pain and medication.

Space maintainers

Children may need space maintainers if they lose a tooth early or have a primary tooth extracted due to dental decay. A space maintainer is an appliance that is custom-made by a  dentist in acrylic or metal material. It can be either removable or cemented in a child’s mouth. Its purpose is to keep the space open to allow the permanent tooth to erupt and come into place. Primary teeth are important to the development of the teeth, jaw bones and muscles and help to guide permanent teeth into position when the primary teeth are lost. If a space is not maintained, then teeth can shift into the open space and orthodontic treatment may be required. Not every child who loses a primary tooth early or to dental decay requires a space maintainer; however, a professional consultation with your dentist or orthodontist should be conducted to determine if using a space maintainer is needed.

Regular Check Ups

Having regular dental check-ups from as early as 6 to 12 months of age are as important for children as they are for adults.

HABITS Thumb sucking habits, bottle milk, using pacifiers can all harm your child’s teeth. Regular check-ups with the dentist can warn you and prevent your child’s dentition.

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