There are small side canals and deltas next to a main canal at the roots of the teeth. Most of the problems with the teeth that have been treated with root canal treatment are due to the inability to clean these areas.



When you clean these channels with PIPS/ SWEEPS techniques (see the video on the right), even the most distant thin channels can be cleaned and the body will biologically heal the inflammation around the tooth and prevent the formation of new inflammation. In addition, unlike other classical methods in this method, the supporting tissues in the roots will be thinned very little, which reduces the risk of fracture.


The reason for the failure of classical canal treatments; inability of mechanical tools to reach lateral and narrow channels or deltas.

The way to achieve these is by using pips or sweeps laser techniques, wherever water can go, the laser can activate water energy and remove bacteria and foreign matter from the most distant points.

TwinLight® Endodontic Treatment

We use Fotona’s TwinLight® Endodontic Treatment (TET) technology in our endodontic treatments which successfully addresses the two major disadvantages of classical chemo-mechanical treatment procedures: the inability to clean and debride anatomically complex root-canal systems and to deeply disinfect dentinal walls and tubules.

Fast, Effective and Minimally Invasive Treatments

  • In the first step of the TwinLight® treatment process, a revolutionary photon-induced photoacoustic streaming method is employed, using the power of the Er:YAG laser to create non-thermal photoacoustic shock waves within the cleaning and debriding solutions present in the canal. Following this photoacoustic treatment, the canals and subcanals are left clean and the dentinal tubules are free of a smear layer. The process is also highly effective for final water rinsing prior to obturation.
  • In the second step of the TwinLight® endodontic treatment, a deeply penetrating Nd:YAG laser wavelength is utilized to thoroughly decontaminate the dentinal walls up to 1000 μm deep. In this step, the high peak-pulse power of the Nd:YAG laser plays an important role as it induces maximum temperature pulsing for elimination of bacteria.

Optimal Wavelength Combination

Utilizing a combination of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser wavelengths in endodontic treatments makes optimum use of the unique laser-tissue interaction characteristics of each wavelength. The combined power of the Er:YAG-induced shock waves in the cleaning solutions and the Nd:YAG laser’s superior bactericidal effect can dramatically improve the outcome of laser-assisted endodontic treatments, guaranteeing maximum efficacy and long-term success.

Comfortable procedure that can relieve your pain and save your natural tooth.

Inside the tooth, under the white enamel and a hard layer called the dentin, is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, and helps to grow the root of your tooth during development. In a fully developed tooth, the tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

Modern endodontic treatment is very similar to having a routine filling and usually can be completed in one or two appointments, depending on the condition of your tooth and your personal circumstances. You can expect a comfortable experience during and after your appointment.

Importance of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment definition – root canal treatment represents the stomatology treatment which addresses disorders (diseases) inside the tooth (of nerve).Root canal disorders – are those disorders that appear at dental pulp level (nerve) and are composed of inflammation or nerve infection. By performing canal treatment the inflammation and infection mentioned above are removed, then removing the risk of complications and endodontic disorders.

Endodontic disorder complications – are generated by the failure to treat on time infection or infection at dental pulp level (nerve). If a tooth was affected by decay or has suffered a trauma (accident) and has not received proper care, inflated nerve from the decay or trauma sufferers a biological degradation process. Following this process bacteria (microbes) are formed and toxins are treated that enter the periapical space (tip of the root) causing infection. These infections can lead to a total compromise of the tooth which will have to be extracted. Therefore endodontic disorder complications represent a tip of the root teeth infections, being one of the main causes for teeth loss.

Laser technology in root canal tratment

Laser technology has applicability in root canal treatment, making it an extremely safe and fast one. With laser aid, root canal treatment time is much shorter – nerve excision lasting a couple of seconds unlike the classic procedure where more time was lost. Also, by laser, root canal infections can be treated extremely fast and secure.

The most practical technique in the field of root canal treatment is the PIPS technique, which uses the Er.yag laser, and applied after cleansing the root canal.
Laser technology also reduces possible side effects from the root canal procedure. The Waterlase laser also limits the amount of bleeding during dental treatment, and can be used with minimal or no local anesthesia. Post-operative problems of traditional root canals are practically eliminated – the laser reduces the amount of inflammation, swelling and discomfort often as due to the anasthesia wears off. Patients may not even need pain medication often prescribed following dental surgery.

Endodontic special technology

Technologic evolution has left its mark on this branch of stomatology thus making endodontic treatment a more predictable one (with higher chances of success).

Some of the special technologic means with endodontic implementation are:

  • Microscope and Lenses (optic amplifying means) – are magnification means which make root canal treatment safer, operator having a higher visibility degree (up to 25 times). Also, lenses and microscope use lighting systems which help the operator to visually perceive the canal almost in its entire length. So, use of magnifying tools removes root canal treatment procedure from the “blind” maneuvers category based exclusively on tactile procedures.
  • Digital x-ray which offers highly accurate images at an infinitesimal dose of roentgen radiation.
  • Foramen locator (apex locator) – a digital device which connected to root canal instruments accurately indicates the tip of the root. The operator then knows exactly how far he should perform root canal treatment (root canal filling), thus removing, almost entirely, the risk of incomplete (short) or overcoming canal treatments.

Does root canal treatment hurt?

No. Usually, a local anaesthetic is used and it should feel no different to having an ordinary filling done. There may be some tenderness afterwards but this should gradually get less over time.

How will the teeth look like after a root canal treatment? Will they suffer any color changes
In the past, teeth that went through a canal treatment often modified color becoming darker (shades of grey). However, through modern techniques of high quality root canal irrigation, the teeth color won’t change anymore. Still, if this occurs, you as a patient of our clinic must know that we have at hand all methods (internal/external dental whitening) to restore the natural aspect of the tooth in question.

During root canal or endodontic treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling for protection. After restoration, the tooth continues to function like any other tooth.

Endodontic treatment helps you maintain your natural smile, continue eating the foods you love and limits the need for ongoing dental work. With Midecadent dental clinic root canal therapist most teeth that have had root canal treatment can last a lifetime.

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