Laser Dentistry. State of the art laser treatment makes for a significantly more pleasant experience than previously possible.


If your teeth are unhealthy, it’s important to visit a biological dentist to heal the issue to avoid chronic diseases caused..


Missing teeth or teeth which are moving and in need of extraction.


Why Laser & Bio Dentistry in Turkey

Laser Bio Dentistry is different from classical biological dentistry. In classical biological dentistry, it is based on the logic of extracting teeth with infection and leaving no focus of infection without treatments such as root canal treatment or periodontal treatment. However, these factors can be eliminated by laser treatments.

The basis of the health of the human body is based on the immune mechanism and the ability to self-repair. Laser bio dentistry is based on providing the environment in which the body can cure these problems by eliminating the factors related to tooth-related problems in the body. The basis of biological dentistry is to treat by using no or minimal level of foreign material in our body.

Thus, it is aimed to protect the health of the whole body, not only dental, by preventing biologically dental bacterial, viral and fungal infections that cause many diseases in the body.

What are the advantages of laser therapy?

Minimally invasive

Minimally invasive due to the precisely controlled beam, laser produces a minimum tissue sacrifice, considerably reducing treatment duration and post-operatory recovery. When cleaning enamel and dentin, laser sections with precision, and with the lack of vibration, prevents enamel fractures, as dental drills would have caused.

Anesthetic reduction

Anesthetic reduction For many patients, the best part of surgical laser therapy is not using needles for treatment or surgery, anesthesia being reduced or even removed.

Reduction of bleeding

Reduction of bleeding – bleeding is reduced to minimum and suture necessity can be eliminated. Laser also provides sterilization of treated area. Dental laser attenuates bleeding because the high energy light beam helps exposed blood vessels clotting (coagulation), thus preventing blood loss, an extremely important aspect for patients with diabetes, heart conditions and hemophilia.

High-risk patients

High-risk patients due to maximum control over bleeding, there is no hemorrhage or post-operatory infection risk. Bacterial infections are reduced to minimum due to the high energy light beam which sterilizes tissues where procedures are performed.


What types of treatments can laser be used in the dental clinic?

Oral surgery treatments (including dental implantology) with no side effects such as bleeding, pain and edema (swelling). Explanation: Laser sections but at the same time coagulates (closes) blood vessels, having also an anti-inflammatory effect over the tissues. Compared with the drill or surgical saw, when sectioning, laser does not reach bone tissue so therefore does not determine vibrations and overheating, namely tissue necrosis. When excising soft tissue growths, we perform frenectomies or gingivectomies, incisions are precise, bleeding is minimal or nonexistent and healing is sensational. Most of the times we don’t even use local anesthetic and eliminate scalpel and suture wires.

ER YAG laser used for gingival retraction cases, endodontics (root canal treatments) and oral surgery. Usually, these types of treatments don’t require anesthesia. Extremely useful in periodontal pocket treatment, when the dentist will place the beam between the root and bone, in pocket’s depth, for sterilizing and healing stimulation of damaged tissues, so that the gums can again adhere to the dental cervix (neck).

Gingival smile: with dental lasers excess gingival tissues that cover the crown can be reshaped, leading in healthy bone and dental structure exposure, considerably improving smiles in which excess gums are exposed.


What types of treatments can laser be used in the dental clinic?

Oral surgery treatments (including dental implantology) with no side effects such as bleeding, pain and edema (swelling). Explanation: Laser sections but at the same time coagulates (closes) blood vessels, having also an anti-inflammatory effect over the tissues. Compared with the drill or surgical saw, when sectioning, laser does not reach bone tissue so therefore does not determine vibrations and overheating, namely tissue necrosis. When excising soft tissue growths, we perform frenectomies or gingivectomies, incisions are precise, bleeding is minimal or nonexistent and healing is sensational. Most of the times we don’t even use local anesthetic and eliminate scalpel and suture wires.

ER YAG laser used for gingival retraction cases, endodontics (root canal treatments) and oral surgery. Usually, these types of treatments don’t require anesthesia. Extremely useful in periodontal pocket treatment, when the dentist will place the beam between the root and bone, in pocket’s depth, for sterilizing and healing stimulation of damaged tissues, so that the gums can again adhere to the dental cervix (neck).

Gingival smile: with dental lasers excess gingival tissues that cover the crown can be reshaped, leading in healthy bone and dental structure exposure, considerably improving smiles in which excess gums are exposed.

Dental lasers for soft and hard tissues

A large range of lasers can be used to diagnose, assist and perform different dental procedures. However, two large laser categories can be discussed:

  • Hard tissue lasers: Basic use of hard tissue lasers is to perform sections within bone and teeth. Hard tissue lasers are often used with the purpose of cleaning the tooth of decay, preparing surfaces for filling, removing dental structures for crown covering, to cut and model maxillary bones.
  • Soft tissue lasers: We can section, cut and remove gum, mucous, tumors and frenulums from the oral cavity. Canal nerves can be removed through vaporization, we can sterilize periodontal pockets and infected canals. Soft tissue lasers penetrate the soft tissue closing blood vessels and nerve endings. This is the main reason for which people never experiment any post-operatory pain after laser use. Also, soft tissue lasers allow faster tissue regeneration.

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