Flapless implant applications can be done basically in two ways.

Guided Implantology:
Three-dimensional (3d DVT) imaging (www.newtom.com) of jaws and oral measurements of the person to be placed implants in the appropriate bone points in the guide program is planned. Thanks to this guide plaque prepared with 3D printer, implants are placed in exactly planned locations according to program without cutting or suturing the gums.

Flapless Implantology with laser
In Medicadent clinics, all implant applications (3D DVT) are done with a CT scan and a very detailed preliminary examination. After these preliminary examinations, in the majority of patients (according to bone suitability), implants are placed without flaps into the bone with soft tissue orientation by laser. In this way, pain, swelling and other possible problems are taken to a minimum level after the procedure. Medicadent offers you minimal risk with high technology and experience.

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